The Beam

The Beam Network
The large digital billboard, The Beam, is positioned on a bridge at a key intersection along the busy airport road. This enhances its visual appeal and captures the attention of a sophisticated audience, thereby increasing the impact and effectiveness of modern advertising.

Airport Road
A distinctive advertising solution located on one of the busiest roads in Jordan. It operates 24/7, connecting key areas with modern technology to ensure the best visibility for your business.
The Beam billboard on Airport Road enhances ad impact by attracting a broad audience, effectively reaching travelers and locals, and drawing developers with real estate opportunities near universities, factories, and major service sectors.

Target Advertising

Flexibility & Real-time Updates

Dynamic Content

Customization & Interactivity

Cost Effective

Measurable Impact

Visible Area
w: 30 m x h: 3 m
Supported Format
mp4 or Jpeg
w: 1920 Pixels x h: 192 Pixels
Frames per Second
25 fps
Advert/Slot Length
7 Seconds
Color Mode

Please ensure artwork complies with the following:
• File size should be no larger than 100MB
• Final artwork should be supplied 5 days prior to the campaign live date
• Files should be sent through an online transfer service
• We cannot guarantee the live date of a campaign if the delivery deadlines are not met
• All artworks are subjects to GAM And Energy OOH approval
• Objects and texts should be checked. Energy OOH are not Responsible if there is any typo mistakes, syntax, or missing objects.
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Whether it's through email, phone, or our social media channels, we're available and eager to hear from you. Let's connect and make your experience even better. Your voice matters to us!